UCO®MAX MICRO is a drinking water soluble solution to be supplied during growth and critical periods of swine and poultry.
UCO®MAX MICRO is a concentrate that allows HIGH PERFORMANCE ANIMALS to exploit their full potential. It is complementary to the existing diet of sows, piglets, broilers.
UCO®MAX MICRO is a valuable resource for HIGH WELFARE systems and in ANTIBIOTIC REDUCTION programs.
UCO®MAX MICRO is a drinking water concentrate, and is integral part of UCO®LIFE CONCEPT that copes with emerging MICROBIAL CHALLENGES. It allows flexible and quick implementation.
Superior reduction and stabilization of pH of the drinking water by organic acids blend formulated for a quick and balanced pH optimization. Low dosage required.
Strategical supplementation of micro elements (Cu, Zn).
Regulating gastro-intestinal processes for better digestibility and animal performance.
Allowing for optimal balance between microflora, gut integrity and gut morphology.